Wind Energy vs Smart Grids

July 29, 2021

Wind Energy vs Smart Grids

Renewable energy plays a critical role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing the impact of climate change. Among the popular forms of renewable energy, wind energy has shown a lot of promise in recent years, thanks to technological advancements and government support. However, in the quest to transition from fossil fuels, we need more than just renewable energy. We need smart grids!

In this post, we'll compare the benefits of wind energy and smart grids and see how they complement each other. So, without further ado, let's dive straight into the details.

Wind Energy – great source, limited application

Wind energy is an excellent source of energy that's clean, renewable and available in plenty. In 2019, wind power capacity reached 651 GW worldwide, accounting for 6.1% of global electricity generation. This figure is expected to triple by 2030, helping countries meet their energy and climate goals.

However, wind energy has its limitations. For example, wind turbines generate the most electricity when the wind is blowing at the right speed. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen all the time. Sometimes, wind is too weak, while at other times, it's too strong, leading to turbine damage. Consequently, wind energy has a limited application in providing a stable, reliable power supply to the electricity grid.

Smart Grids - harnessing wind's full potential

Smart grids, on the other hand, address some of the challenges of renewable energy sources such as wind energy. They use modern technology to monitor and adjust the power supply based on the needs of users and electricity grids. This way, smart grids can integrate more renewable energy sources and improve the stability and reliability of the electricity supply.

For example, smart grids can help utilities predict when wind energy will be available and adjust their operations accordingly. It can also facilitate the distribution of power from wind turbines in different locations to balance the fluctuations and reduce the burden on individual grids. With smart grids, it's possible to harness the full potential of wind energy and ensure that it's delivered to the users when needed.

The Road Ahead

Wind energy and smart grids are two sides of the same coin. While wind energy has shown great promise in providing clean, renewable energy, it's not enough for a sustainable energy future. Smart grids are the missing piece of the puzzle that can help us transition from traditional to renewable energy sources. By integrating more renewable energy and optimizing the power supply, smart grids can make the electricity grid more robust, reliable, and sustainable in the long run.


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